辣子蟹 (Chilli Crabs)!!

泥蟹 或 花蟹洗淨,斬塊 Mud Crab or Flower Crab - 1 kg ( Cleaned and cut into pieces)


材料 Ingredients:

油 oil - 2 tbs

姜茸 shredded ginger - 2 tbs

蒜茸 garlic - 1 tsp

辣椒茸 sliced red chilies - 1/2 tbs

番茄醬 Tomato Ketchup - 1 1/2 bottle ( 340 g per bottle )

辣椒醬 Chili Sauce - 1 tbs

梅子醬 Plum Sauce - 1 tbs

糖 Sugar - 3 tsp

鹽 salt - 1/2 tsp ( to your own taste)

玉米粉 corn starch solution forthickening - approximate 2 tbs

水 water - 2 cups ( enugh to cover crabs)

蛋 egg - 1 no


1) 用中火把鍋子燒熱 , 放 2 tbs 油 , 爆香姜絲,蒜茸,辣椒絲。

2) 加入蟹塊 , 兜炒至橙紅色 , 加入番茄醬,辣椒醬,酸梅醬, 炒至油翻紅.

3)調味 , 加水大火滾,關蓋 , 燜煮 5分鐘.


5)如果不夠熟,再關蓋續煮 1 分鐘。

6)開蓋試味 , 轉小火,慢慢調入蛋花。上盤, 趁熱享用~



泥蟹 或 花蟹洗淨,斬塊 Mud Crab or Flower Crab - 1 kg ( Cleaned and cut into pieces)


材料 Ingredients:

油 oil - 2 tbs

姜茸 shredded ginger - 2 tbs

蒜茸 garlic - 1 tsp

辣椒茸 sliced red chilies - 1/2 tbs

番茄醬 Tomato Ketchup - 1 1/2 bottle ( 340 g per bottle )

辣椒醬 Chili Sauce - 1 tbs

梅子醬 Plum Sauce - 1 tbs

糖 Sugar - 3 tsp

鹽 salt - 1/2 tsp ( to your own taste)

玉米粉 corn starch solution forthickening - approximate 2 tbs

水 water - 2 cups ( enugh to cover crabs)

蛋 egg - 1 no


1) 用中火把鍋子燒熱 , 放 2 tbs 油 , 爆香姜絲,蒜茸,辣椒絲。

2) 加入蟹塊 , 兜炒至橙紅色 , 加入番茄醬,辣椒醬,酸梅醬, 炒至油翻紅.

3)調味 , 加水大火滾,關蓋 , 燜煮 5分鐘.


5)如果不夠熟,再關蓋續煮 1 分鐘。

6)開蓋試味 , 轉小火,慢慢調入蛋花。上盤, 趁熱享用~
